вторник, 21 января 2020 г.


Resolution — Using a server task to assign policy properly resets inheritance. For more information on these commands, use the core. A case change in the FQDN of a SuperAgent Distributed Repository results in that repository being dropped from the repository list, then added to the list again, as disabled. When the ePolicy Orchestrator migration tool, which comes with this package, is used to migrate VirusScan 8. Removing the installation leaves the system without any virus protection software until another installation is scheduled and completed. General information Release date: We do not support the automatic upgrade of a pre-release software version.

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When the install was upgraded to VirusScan Enterprise 8.

Issue — Rolled-up custom properties can't be included in Managed System queries because there is no SQUID defined for the rolled-up product properties 46 that the custom properties table can be joined to. To upgrade to a production release of the software, you must first uninstall the existing version.

Resolution ppatch For short disconnects such as a restart of the SQL server servicethe event parser service correctly reacquires database server connectivity shortly after the SQL server service becomes available.

McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6.5 Release Notes

This release was developed for use with: Resolution — Attempting to share a policy to another McAfee ePO server that has an existing policy of the same type and name isn't allowed. Read the Text Version. Dragging systems between groups happens faster. Server tasks for queries that include drill-down options succeed as expected. Resolution — Reports generated using the Run Report action are translated into the selected language.

Resolution — ePolicy Orchestrator software uses Java 1. First of all download the software here downloadable after registring as a beta tester. Resolution — The installation process for upgrades and patches overwrites the ssl. Refer to the Patch5. Confirm that the expected files are installed by checking the version number of individual files.

Orchestrayor release includes new features and enhancements, including the following: This release includes new features, fixes, and enhancements including:. Removing the installation Warning: A new command-line switch allows users to specify an alternative JvmMx value. McAfee recommends this release for all patcn.

ePolicy Orchestrator – Jack's server blog

Resolution — A doubly-signed extension is verified using the strongest possible certificate. To download ePO 4.

Removing the installation leaves the system without any virus protection software until another installation is scheduled and completed. Repost Patch 5 is considered a High Priority Release. Issue — Moving systems with identical names into the same System Tree group is not possible.

When installing VirusScan Enterprise 8. The package installation does not force a reboot. We do not support the automatic upgrade of a pre-release software version.

Release Notes

To download McAfee Agent 4. Tag-based policy assignment rules are imported and exported using tag names instead of system-dependent IDs. If this is the first time that the extension is orchestrrator in, however, My Defaults has Artemis levels set to Very Low. Click StartRuntype services.

McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator Release Notes Pages 1 - 7 - Text Version | FlipHTML5

Users can view parts of the System Tree they can't orchestrstor. Apply this update at the earliest convenience. Issue — A doubly-signed extension isn't verified using the strongest possible certificate.

Nested database connections and unnecessary database calls caused the ServiceAMT to stop processing requests. Issue — Navigation is disabled on the Query Filter page when multiple filter criteria are specified.

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