понедельник, 13 января 2020 г.


To concur with Sean Feldman above it looks like they broke the links even for their own installers. In the context of the equally heavy handed tentative by the various US justice department to get access to MS servers all over the world, this is becoming a reason for rejecting MS tools and products. Hope I selected the right one, and then download it. I haven't had to download Express in forever but tried to get VS Express for my year-old son the other day so he could write code for the finch robot. So, if you know the instance name, just try to connect and the first time will take a moment while it starts up, but then subsequent connections assuming consistent activity will be quick. sqllocaldb 2014

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Thanks for compiling this list, I'm going to hit your fancy new URL from now on.

Download SQL Server Express - Scott Hanselman

Active 2 years, 11 months ago. It is a tiny bit confusing to say the least.

Once I removed sqllocadb this option, the error has gone, and the issue was sqplocaldb closed for me. How do we handle problem users? Solomon Rutzky Solomon Rutzky Tuesday, June 24, Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.

Downloading SQL Server Express is unnecessarily hard, and it's made harder by the new Microsoft Download Center "download multiple files" interface that doesn't include descriptions or primary file recommendations.

sqllocaldb 2014

Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Chose the wrong file twice before getting the right one. It also allows you to suspend active downloads and resume downloads that have failed.

MS SQL LocalDB runtime

Microsoft recommends you intall a Download Manager. Tuesday, June 17, 6: That will return a list of instances that your Windows login has access to. Had no clue which was the correct download based on the list of files on the MS site. Thursday, June 26, 8: Squ1rr3lz Squ1rr3lz 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 5 5 bronze badges.

See how to enable scripts. The 2 problematic machines runs under Windows 10 pro 64bit. The delayed shutdown is to prevent needing to wait for the startup again for connections that come in shortly after the last connection ended.

Creating SQL Server Express LocalDb v11, v12, v13, and MSSQLLocalDb Instances

Enabled all 'Security' permissions for the application folder. Specifying the named instance in app.

Hope I selected the right one, and then download it. Sorry, but I don't think it is as difficult as you're all making it out to be. You can use the sqllocaldb command line tool to create and delete instances, so sqllocqldb the instance on version It is one of the worst experiences I can remember. It does look a little like the download pages were designed by a team of lawyers, and is not nearly as obvious as your post.

About Scott Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. Don't know what the MSIs at the top were for.

sqllocaldb 2014

This is bordering on autism. The connection string we use is. Do you also know how to get rid of these tons of SQL Server programs? If you are writing you Typically I install it then realize I installed the wrong version then start the process over again.

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