суббота, 11 января 2020 г.


Now renamed the files as shown below:. Now renamed the files as shown below: This is not a problem for those who are familiar with Windows Media Center. Only the x86 macrotube helper works for 32 bit. In closing, MacroTube is a nice, smooth and good alternative to watching YouTube clips from your computer using Media Center. I am running windows 7 ultimate 64 bit 19 January at Click to load comments. macrotube x64

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Even though I am the only user on this PC and it says my account is an administrator account, it obviously isn't.

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Administrators group etc 19 January at Thanks for taking the time to help Stuart. To check macrotueb operating system, right click on Computer at Start Menu or at your Windows Explorer and click Properties.

Highlighting a clip brings out its title, rating and description. Newer Post Older Post Home. Many thanks for your help. I am running windows 7 ultimate 64 bit 19 January at Here is a link to the project page - its free!

Did you follow the guide exactly? MacroTube 64 bit 0. While the video is playing, you can always go back to choose another video by pressing Backspace, or click the back icon on top right of Windows Media Center.

I figured it out!

MacroTube: watch YouTube on Windows Media Center

Each category then comes with its subcategory that separates them into more specific types of content. What's new in MacroTube 0. Go to this page macrotuve either the 32bit or 64bit installer file, run it and install the add-in.

macrotube x64

In macrrotube, MacroTube is a nice, smooth and good alternative to watching YouTube clips from your computer using Media Center. I find that selecting Relevance rather than Date on the pivot menu will yield better search results.

It goes without saying macrotbue navigation buttons are provided which allow you to pause, stop or go to the next video.

Hi, I followed your instructions exactly. You also get a search function that you can use to find a specific video.

Thanks for all your help Stuart. I find a lot of the HD videos won't play but not to worry. On the one upstairs MacroTube works perfectly all the time, on the one in my living room macro tube can bomb out back to the MCE start menu after a video has finished playing, I get a similar message. Boondok's Adventures 23 September at Now renamed the files as shown below:. Running Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit.

macrotube x64

I checked my account and it says member of Administrators. MacroTube is one of those applications. The application runs well and shows no signs of delay even when continuously scrolling to load new videos. Go to this page and download the two XML files to a temp folder. This is not a problem for those who are familiar with Windows Media Center.

I can get it to work with youtube now but Dailymotion doesn't load any content.

To watch the video, simply select the video and press Enter or click it using your mouse. The MacroTube Helper application is up and running again after being down due to changes to YouTube content policies and general failure of the hosting service for the MacroTube Helper App.

For the one you select, the application displays thumbnails for mcarotube available clips. After you download the file, extract it and double click on the installer file to start the installation.

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