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Since its creation, the portal has been improved and complies to regulations and standards of public information and has a user friendly interface.

Therefore CGE is working continuously to make more prodmge available on the portal.

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TripAdvisor LLC is not responsible for content on external web sites. Unrestricted access to data published on the portal is ensured by establishing relationships with necessary stakeholders - public managers.

About our partners About our in-country contacts. Traffic Sources Traffic Sources Find out which are the main sources of desktop traffic for prodemge.

Leading Referring Sites Prodejge sending the most traffic non-paid to prodemge. See More Similar Sites. Pages per Visit 5. Your email address will not be published. Innovation Summary Innovation Overview The Portal of Transparency is an electronic tool of Minas Gerais State that allows transparency and control of state governmental actions by its citizens, displaying public data from the State and municipalities, offering search tools based on the Law of access to information.

It was decided that CGE the client would build the portal negotiation rules as well as detailed specifications, including fields and tables to be used. The portal allows the exercise of accountability and control of the government by the citizens.

Referrals Referrals See which websites are sending traffic to this site August analysis. In order to briefly substitute the lack of a BI, advanced research tools were implemented so users could freely research within a minimum parameter they chose.

Prodemge, a State ITC, is responsible for the development, hosting and maintenance of the portal. Traffic by countries Top Referring Countries Find out where the visitors of prodemge. Inthe Controladoria Geral do Estado de Minas Gerais CGEthe body responsible for managing the portal, decided to restructure it aiming to increase the amount of public data available by automatic search engines and improve user-friendliness.

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Dealing with the archetypes development process for a regional EHR system.

In terms of the portal layout and usability, interactive graphics, maps and the possibility to export all data to social media were developed with the new update. Log in to get trip updates and message other travellers.

Does this place or activity accept credit cards? New features also include a search tool of employee travel expenses, income from partnerships, contracts and acquisitions, information on cars owned by the government, budgets and other.

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The ranking measures the level of compliance with Brazilian transparency laws on a scale from 1 to It complies with all Brazilian legal requirements related to financial rules and regulations of fiscal management responsibility and constitutional rights of public information access to all. Get jg Full Mobile App Analysis. Transparency plays an important role in the fight against corruption allowing greater responsibility and increased disclosures by public managers as well as control from citizens, researchers and media.

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As open government is a new trend,public sector leaders have to believe in the value of proactive transparency, which beyond legal matters also involves a cultural change in public organizations.

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